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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bad Hair Day

Yesterday, while chatting with my neighbor across the side fence, a touch on my head told me a branch of the tree, maybe, had been lowered...with my hand, I brushed the top of my head and a tiny bird fluttered to the birdfeeder which was only about 18 inches from me.

"Did you see that?" I asked my neighbor. The bird didn't fly as I talked. It was a tiny and young bird that began to peck out the bird seeds. My presence didn't seem to matter at all.
My neighbor and I marveled at this unusual sight. We soon resumed our chit-chat...the little bird continued to feed.

"Is he blind?" A close look actually didn't scare him or answer the question.
I soon forgot about him and stepped forward and RAN INTO him at the feeder. He fluttered but wasn't giving up his spot at the feeder.

We wished the little bird well and left him feeding.
Later, I talked with my cousin Olivia, and she immediately told me ..."It was an angel."
Did that mean something good? or otherwise?
She said it meant something GOOD. That angels come to us that way.
What do you think?

Looking at my hair, I decided that I should get a perm today. Sort of embarrassing when a bird thinks my hair is a landing spot.

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