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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Brilliant Words From a Brilliant Mind on Politics (My Brother)

Many McCain voters have expressed great disappointment and even bitterness about the outcome of our presidential election.

Thoughtful reflection leads me to be neither disappointed nor bitter - but optimistic.

Several thoughts come to mind:

1. My spirits are raised and I am more optimistic about the future of our country now than I would have been if we had a different outcome. I am gratified to see how much the hopes and aspirations of so many have been raised by Obama's vision and his ability to articulate it - even though there are certain areas where I disagree with his specifics - And the almost universal welcoming of the results by other nations also raises my hopes for better international relations.

2. My respect for McCain increased when I saw the graciousness and positive tone of his concession speech. A great man indeed - and he would have made a much better president that GW - but the time wasn't right for him 8 years ago and Bush's failed leadership made it impossible for any Republican to win this time around - even without the financial melt-down.

3. Looking back on it, you have to respect Obama's leadership in planning and skillfully executing a truly outstanding and obviously very successful presidential campaign. Moreover, because of item 2 above - the democratic candidate was destined to win - so his greater achievement was not defeating McCain, but in defeating Hillary for the nomination.

4. This can be viewed as a classic, hard-fought battle between the "Haves" and the "Have-Nots" (increase taxes on those earning over $200K/yr - and decrease everyone else's taxes) and the Have-Nots won. In a democracy, it is imperative that the Have-Nots win from time-to-time, else gap between rich and poor continues to increase to a point where the poor rise up against the rich, blood is shed and anarchy prevails. It is clear to me those of us who earn over $200K/yr should be willing to endure the hardships of giving up just a bit of our largess - whether it be hard-earned or inherited.

5. I believe we are in the process of reinventing ourselves and re-defining our country... Like we did under FDR's leadership to bring us out of the great depression in the 1930's and win WW2 and like we did again (to a somewhat lesser degree) in the early 1980 under Ronald Regan's leadership when we strengthened our economy and won the cold war ...

6. Well, the cold war is over and whether we like it or not, we are now engaged in a religious/philosophical war with the world of Islam (mainly extremists - but tacitly supported by the mainstream) - where our enemy's main weapon is terrorist tactics - primarily suicide bombers. They are taught from birth to hate us and even more to hate and fear the freedom we enjoy.

7. We are also continuing an energy-consumption binge while our enemy (the Islamic world) is in control of our primary source of energy... Now, there is a problem for our new leader... The solution will not be easy and will take time. (sacrifice,even?)

8. We all need to rally behind our new leader and hope he can lead us out of a difficult situation. We are going to see some major changes - can you argue that they are not needed? Some of them, we won't like - who wants to pay higher taxes?!... Change is inevitable.. we all need to learn to live with the new reality - not by lowering our standards or our expectations, but by raising them - That is what Obama has already done for more that half of the American people... Quite an accomplishment, I would say - and we all need to jump on "the bandwagon of optimism" ... Don't be bitter... Don't be a cry-baby... Be an American!

Tom Richards
(disclaimer -
thoughts expressed by Tom Richards are his own and not necessarily shared by Rush Limbaugh)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Post Remvoed

Apologize for taking down the post that seems many are looking for.
Out of respect for my liberal friends who sent informative and passionate responses, I decided my views didn't need to be aired ~

HOWEVER, I thank all of you for you wonderful somments and support.
Based on the popularity of that post, perhaps I should/could become an analysis. I do tend to call a spade a spade.
It is wonderful to have the freedom to write and speak our thoughts.

Many of my emails were so, so thoughtful. I would LOVE TO BLOG parts of so many...if any of you would like for me to add your email responses for all to see, please just let me know.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Republican Thoughts Post Election

Republicans are waking up with positive thoughts today.

1. Maybe it will be good for the Liberals to show Conservatives how it is suppose to work.

2. Maybe the average guy on the street will become more involved and pay attention to Politics.

Last and what most Republicans might be most thankful for...
3. It isn't Hillary.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Memories of my Granny Richards

I wonder what memories my grandchildren will take with them as they grow older.
My memories of my Granny are so precious to me.
She lived on the family farm which fell from Plantation status after the Civil War and became a wonderland for me as a child.
I remember her long cotton dresses and black high top boots she wore. Her long black hair was graying ~I would watch her braid and wrap neatly atop her head.
Her everyday dresses were topped with a generous apron which doubled as a basket when she pulled up the bottom to receive apples or eggs.
I went with her everywhere and cherished everyday I had with her.
She cooked over a wood burning stove and drew water from the well which was on a large porch just outside her kitchen door.
Her wood stove had a reservoir for water, therefore, she always had hot water for dishes or tea.
I loved my Granny more than anyone on this earth.
She was my idol.
I remember so much~seemingly every minute I had with her.
How was I to know~ we were living in a history that was on the edge of extinction.
I lost her and the world she lived in when I was only nine~
Swiftly the world changed.
Technology moved in and changed my world.
Now, I am a granny.
Last night we took the children to Washington Harbor ~
The Grand Chapiteau
The Plateau at Washington National Harbor.
We enjoyed the
Cirque Du Soleil
A giant leap from gathering eggs with my Granny.
No photos were allowed, but I just couldn't resist.
Six year old Carolyn crawled into my lap the last hour and wrapped her feet around my legs to anchor herself as she melted into sleep.
Her brother make it all the way to the end.
Another midnight evening for us.

Memories ~ Life is a great trip!

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