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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Skirts for Travel

Skirts seem now to be on the comeback for travel.

While in Airports last week, there was a change for women's attire. Many wore full, tea length (calf length) skirts which looked as comfortable as I know them to be and very, very nice.
Many had thong shoes or sandals. What happened to covered toe shoes for travel?
I have long known to wear skirts for travel as so much easier.
A nightmare came true for me on a flight from Miami to Washington one time. I was in a then fashionable "jump suit" and of course, nature called. While in the tiny restroom on board and
in flight, with jumpsuit totally undone and down in place, the plane hit unexpected turbulence which altered the little room Naturally, the collar of my jumpsuit was soaked. Horrified, I realized
there was totally nothing I could do about it...what was done was done.

Arriving in D. C., my friends met me and of course, expected a hug, which would put their nose right into my collar. "I have a little cold...no hugs please." A convenient white lie which is allowed, I am assured.

We were advised to wear skirts while in China due to the atypical restrooms we will encounter along the way.

1 comment:

Virginia Reader said...

Have been away and catching up here. I loved reading your musing! You write so well and it's so interesting. I loved the photos that reminded you of your grandmother's home. It also touches on my treasured memories. I loved the hot air balloon photos! We've never done that.

I laughed when I read about husbands answer and your making reservations! I had to show that to my husband.

My grand mother was much beloved too. She died when my first child was a baby and I just had gotten out of the hospital after 5 weeks in there with hepatitis. I was still supposed to be on bedrest a home but I took 3 month old and flew home for Mama's funeral.

Memories ~ Life is a great trip!

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