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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Friday, May 16, 2008

Pratical Joke~The Piano Story

It seems a hundred years ago now, when freshman in college, we learn many very useful things~

We learned that after long hours of study and classes it was PLAY TIME After a string of funny practical jokes, we decided we were masters at the art of premeditated humor. We also learned that not all jokes end well. That was a hard lesson to learn as when a practical joke goes bad, it can takes a turn leaving the players in the role of victims.

On a bright and sunny Saturday morning, while sitting in the dorm waiting for Ann’s mother to come to drive us home for the weekend, we became bored. This was when my roommate and I cooked up what is known today as “The Piano Story.” That day and the Piano Story lives in infamy.

Our joke was well planned~ it had a beginning, middle and an EXPECTED ending. This was just something to do to pass the time ~ being young; we even thought our plan quite clever. I really can't remember thinking it would be funny...just clever. We never imagined the situation would take a life of its own ~ becoming worse with each passing minute that turned into hours and into our worst nightmare.

THE BEGINNING~Being a stranger to Ann's young cousin who had just moved to the big city from a small town in the state, I was the one to call her to set up the joke.

"Miss Smith? I am Ms. Wright from (name of a well known) Piano Co calling to let you know you have just been named the winner of beautiful (name brand) Piano you registered for at the 19?? State Fair." She was excited beyond words.

I went on to add the conditions she had to meet in order to claim the piano. She was to present the stub of the ticket from the drawing (we thought this impossible as the Fair was eight months ago. She happily told me she still had it...(RATS, I thought and quickly came up with something I thought would be totally impossible... she would have to have someone pick it up that very day by 3 PM...the store could not deliver.

That gave her only a few hours on a busy Saturday morning for most truck owners...Thought we had the perfect stipulation….and WHO keeps stubs for eight months???

THE MIDDLE~We learned that the reason we sat waiting longer was because Joy had to find a person with a truck to pick up her prize piano before 3 PM that day.

We learned the horror of having to sit in the back seat of Ann's mother's car to witness our victim's joy, knowing we had our hands on the rug that soon would have to be pulled out from under her. After an hour of circling for a parking place, while we kept kicking each other to "TELL"..."NO"..."YOU TELL" "NO"~~~

We were finally just dropped off as no parking spot was found and it was almost 3 PM. One of the stipulations was that she had to claim the piano prize by 3 PM. We walked with Joy into the Piano Store, whispering to each other to "Tell" ~ "You tell." We went with her up to the Manager who had been called to talk with her. We stood there, wide-eyed as Joy happily introduced herself in a tone that implied her name was well known and added "I am the winner of the piano." The manager looked puzzled. He read the stub and then explained it wasn't his store that had the piano prize, it was the OTHER store on the other side of town. AH...another hour in that back seat.

The entire day was almost over and there we were...awaiting execution for sure when Ann's Mother found out we were behind this.

The only way to end this nightmare would be to confess; we were mortified at the thought. In utter fear, we allowed it to run....and longer it went, the more horrified we were to admit it was meant to be a joke. We were in a Catch 22.

In the second store, we decided the jig had to be up...trying to stop her and explain that it was a joke was impossible. That sad news had to come for the manager when he said, "Honey, we gave that piano away the day after the State Fair closed.


We were scared silly that we were going to have the daylights beat out of us. (Actually, we deserved just that.) Had we been really smart, we would never have admitted knowing anything about it. We were not so smart.

When we told Joy it was US who called, it was a joke...She burst into tears and ran out of the store as we ran after her, lamely attempting to explain how funny it was, "wasn't it? HA, HA HA," we said over and over.

Her tears won't stop as she now ran trying to get away from us. We let her go. The jig was up and this wasn't good, it was awful. Now we had to face Ann's mother who had wasted a day and a tank of gas..and some man by the name of Mr. Jones was on his way to get the piano at the wrong store. WHAT A MESS. We were dead for sure, we thought.

Joy was in the front seat crying hard when we got to the car. Ann's mother was looking at Joy and then looked at us...guilt, no doubt was written all over our faces I assume or motherly instinct, she knew~...


She drove shame into our hearts with her words as she continued. "She was home, hand washing her sweaters to be ready for work on Monday when you called. This child works hard all week and has almost not time off and the two of you have nothing better to do but sit and dream up something like this", she went on. "Ann, when I get you home, I am going to tear the hide off you and June, if you don't tell your parents, I am going to call them."

I worried the rest of the weekend that a phone call would come. If not, for sure, I wasn't going to tell.

When we got back to school Sunday night, Ann reported her mother didn't punish her and I felt off the hook.

We didn't talk about this for a long time; however, the incident remained very much alive in our memories. Of course, it was destined to surface. That came many, many years later.

When in Vegas on a girl trip and driving over to in Death Valley, for entertainment, I decided to tell the story. The story brought roars of laughter; Ann's laughter brought tears that streamed down her face. Why? Because the idea was so downright stupid.

We have since told the story perhaps a hundred times~ laughing each time as stupid stunts are funny

The lesson learned?
We learned how to turn an otherwise boring weekend into a very memorable event. Right? We also learned the value of a friendship.Here we are, some thirty years later...Friends forever~


WV Janis said...

June: We all know how much you and your Golden Girls enjoy a good prank. Rumor has it, all you all are still up for a good prank now and then and that, ours truly, is QUEEN of the pranks.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember that prank...
Sounds like fun....were the girls Ann Gordon and Joy THompson?

June said...

True! When we become disinterested and our creativity dries; when we are stale and cranky...what would we have left?

Ann was in our freshman year, afterwhich she dropped out and Joy was her cousin and not in our class.
This, in written form isn't funny as the prank wasn't...it was written/blogged by mopre than one request.

Memories ~ Life is a great trip!

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