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Monday, May 12, 2008

Swans on Molly's Lake

Mother's Day on the Farm was fun. Visiting the farm these days means to have an encounter with the swans.

Our Swan story begins two years ago when Molly and I were shopping in Southern Virginia where she purchased a wonderful life-sized plastic swan for the lake at the farm.

The plastic swan was meant only to add interest to the lake, never imagining to attract real living swans as we are a little far north for swans.

Everyone who visited thought at first the floating swan was real as it was weighted in place to keep it centered and lifelike. It was removed for winter as the lake freezes over...and replaced the second spring.

Now~ this year, the unimaginable has happened. The plastic swan had attracted a pair of real live swans that have landed and apparently made the lake their home. We keep hoping they will nest, but thus far, no signs of a nest. They do leave, taking flight to fly away but so far, have returned after only a couple of days. We love having reports they are back. Of course, they are fed which is perhaps what brings them back.

The swans are interested in people~ hoping for food, however, are not agreeable for up close encounters. When they feel a person has come a little too close, they throw out their big wings and hiss a warning.

They totally trust only one person...it is Molly who has won their confidence. They come to her, one at a time, and feed right out of her hand. How do they know and decide? Amazing and a most beautiful site.

We had a delightful Mother's Day on the farm. The highlight of the day for the grandchildren is the ride in the small farm truck. They ride miles through the fields and woods looking for the eagle nest. We have many nesting eagles in Virginia. With all the rain over the past week, what usually is only a trickle of a stream was flooded and one to be forded this year, much to their delight.

They are so cute as they share extraordinary experiences. They are making memories to carry through their lives. Wonder how they will edit them.
Have you stories of swans? Or floods this Spring?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A friend lives on a lake that has many swans. He noticed that one swan didn't have a mate. The single swan would walk up to a car and look at himself in rim of the car. When the owner would come to use the car, the swan would attack him. Finally the owner of the lake property put up a mirror for the swan which made him happy. He would only allow certain people to feed him also.
Gail D.
Birmingham, Al

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