Our eventful trip to Texas was completed just a few days before departing for one of the most ________ events of a lifetime. (The perfect word fail me, it was so, so sweet, good, maybe bitter-sweet.)
This was a fabulous GOLDEN REUNION of graduation from The University of Ala Hospital located in Birmingham, Ala.
Little did we suspect that when we packed and moved out of our dorm, most of us would not be together again for 50 years. Our lives lay before us ~ We each went our separate ways and now we came together ~
~Our graduation photo~
How was our 50 year reunion?
Interesting, unbelievable, unrealistic, wonderful, loving, sweet, bitter-sweet, warm, happy, grateful and best of all, totally over the top !!!
Our Sweet Sarah worked many, many hours to find us and to make it totally perfect. SARAH, IT WAS !!!
What a lovely, loving event.
We were thrilled to come together again ~ 50 years later !!!!
Jean, Evelyn, Nola~
Sarah, Kathy, Louise
Betty, Joyce, Jean B.
Hearing every one's story of their 50 years in two minutes was interesting~
I was so proud of everyone. Made me think of the fact
"We are who we are today because we were where we were, when."
Charles, Patsy
Our Class Officers~Our Class Officers left to right June (me), Helen, Pat and Evelyn ~
Three out of the four of us were there~ we lost Pat in 04.
We had only 18 classmates at our fabulous reunion~
An photo of class~ maybe our Jr. Class photo?? The class had loss over half of the hopefuls who started with us...had to be our Jr Year.
Me? I am third from right second row.
There were no secrets, we shared everything. We remembered all the card playing that seemed like an ongoing event. Some games were left in place while we had class. We had a wonderful, wonderful time with our classmates who were our close friends.
The way we are now~
Photos doesn't have all who were there~.
At the Brunch at Louise's
And is the lady who brought us together for this event~ Classmate, Sarah. She holds all degrees needed plus a few more to be the VIP she is at the University at this point.
Organized, intelligent, and thoughtful with powerful leadership skills, she found 99% of our graduating class and brought us together with love.
We can't possibly thank her enough.
Together, we watched the setting sun over B'ham. Sort of appropriate for the ending of such a momentous occasion.
The sun gave us a spectacular show.
I scooted around to the room in The Club, where my wedding reception was held over 43 years ago...they have remodeled and all is now different~ Nothing stays the same...another truism.
Thanks all for a fabulous event in my life, June
From Gail~
Good to see you yesterday. I know each of you had fun Friday. I called Kitty when I got home and talked with her for a long time. She was busy remodeling her house and could not come. She said she should have but was tired of the mess in her house since Oct. She kept in touch with Annette and Peggy. We plan to meet some where close to Jacksonville or half way one Sat next month.All of us stay busy with family and close friends it is hard to keep in touch with long ago friends. We should. Make new friends and keep the old. I will call Peggy some time this week. That is why I like email. I like to hear what is going on in their lives. Not to big on forwards unless it is really good. Keep in touch. Send pictures when you can. Gail
From Bobbie:
I hate that I missed the reunion. I know that you had a good time.
I think that I am about to old to travel ................I was so tied when we got home that I slept about 2 days.
We are going to Argentina in August.....if my energy level goes up.
Check it out~
More to come