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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dinner at Rockledge Manison, Occoquon, Virginia

We were invited to a Dinner Party at the Rockledge Mansion, one of the places I have wanted an excuse see.

The stone house was built in 1758 high on the hillside at the end of the main street of Occoquon, Virginia. Over the years, much history has transpired in this little town on the Occoquon River. All passed within the majestic view of this stone house on the hill.
Weather was wonderful last evening when we arrived, making walking through the quaint little town even more fun.
At the top of the stone driveway, we were met by gentleman in Tux, and continued up stone steps to enter and mingled with all the other guests.
Tables of 10 enjoyed a very nice dinner, I immediately found friends among the strangers. We had one thing in common. We wanted to know more about this beautiful old house.
As they say, it is easier to apologize than to get permission. We girls scampered up the stairs which lead to a dark and shabbily furnished room. It was a bedroom with a fireplace. Could have been made beautiful. The bath had the building "specials" let us say... and low ceiling had ugly wallpaper. We couldn't imagine who would stay there.
The other end of the landing lead to a darken room used for storage and wall which saved us from seeing the part of the mansion we actually wanted to see.
I mentioned the possibility of a ghost as the Internet confirms.

Rockledge Mansion - Rockledge - John Ballandine, a local industrialist, built this Georgian mansion in 1758 with the help of master builder, William Buckland. The ghost here is said to be that of a Confederate Soldier.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Buffalo Roundup, South Dakota

Ready for the 2008 Buffalo Roundup in Custer, South Dakota. We were there early to be among the crowd before they block off the road to the viewing area. These photos are great to see the South Dakota Plains.

Notice how the Cowboys in the Dakotas are dressed like Cowboys of the wild west. It is legal to carry a side arm (gun.) As long as your gun is visible, it is legal. Was interesting to see the Cowboys in town with a big pistol strapped to them.
Was like being inside a movie scene.

See the buffalo coming over the hill?
This is the first video I have added. Click to see a few seconds of the Buffalo Roundup in South Dakota. It was like being inside a movie scene.

They are rounded up and headed out.

Now you see why the riders wear scarves...to keep from breathing all the dust that is kicked up in the stampede.

They round them up to thin the herd by selling some to whoever wants them in other parts of the country. They also are given their required shots.

They are such majestic creatures.

More photos to come.


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