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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Monday, October 6, 2008

Buffalo Roundup, South Dakota

Ready for the 2008 Buffalo Roundup in Custer, South Dakota. We were there early to be among the crowd before they block off the road to the viewing area. These photos are great to see the South Dakota Plains.

Notice how the Cowboys in the Dakotas are dressed like Cowboys of the wild west. It is legal to carry a side arm (gun.) As long as your gun is visible, it is legal. Was interesting to see the Cowboys in town with a big pistol strapped to them.
Was like being inside a movie scene.

See the buffalo coming over the hill?
This is the first video I have added. Click to see a few seconds of the Buffalo Roundup in South Dakota. It was like being inside a movie scene.

They are rounded up and headed out.

Now you see why the riders wear scarves...to keep from breathing all the dust that is kicked up in the stampede.

They round them up to thin the herd by selling some to whoever wants them in other parts of the country. They also are given their required shots.

They are such majestic creatures.

More photos to come.


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