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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Earth Day ~April 22

From Janis ~
And totally worth an entire blog.

You CAN make a difference AND influence others on EARTH DAY. Our children and grandbabies need our leadership here.

While we should celebrate the Earth every day, April 22 is Earth Day. Please make plans to do something special; public as well as private displays of respect for the earth. Plant a tree with children. They can mark their growth by the tree's growth.

Make it a goal to throw as little as possible in the trash. Compost all coffee grounds, vegetables, and peelings. Recycle all glass, paper, plastic. DO NOT use even one plastic water bottle, refill a thermos if you want water. DO NOT accept one bag from the grocery store. Take your own, already used ones from home, or use one of those multiple use bags you can buy at the store. Can you possibly not use any lights that day? Rely on the light outside and just go to bed when darkness comes.

Here is a poem that I found in Elbert Hubbard's Scrapbook (copyright 1923). Please let your friends know how you will/did spend Earth Day.

Leaf after Leaf Drops Off
by Walter Savage Landor

Leaf after leaf drops off,
flower after flower,
Some in the chill, some in the
warmer hour;
Alive they flourish, and alive
they fall,
And Earth who nourished them
receives them all.
Should we, her wiser sons, be
less content
To sink into her lap
when life is spent?

1 comment:

WV Janis said...

The Carbon Footprint project is such a concrete way to help people learn about the impact of humans on the Earth! Yes, do check it out.

Thank you June for posting about Earth Day. Hopefully, it will help others discover your wonderful blog! I do hope people post what they do for Earth Day.


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