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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Credit Card Number Stolen

Many Credit Card Numbers are being copied and sold to people in foreign locations for use.


We have decided to follow a few simple rules.

We have been advised that we should NOT to give our card to anyone who has to take it out of our sight to make charges, even if it means going into the kitchen of a resturant with the server as he makes the charge. Resturants actually should have portable devices to make the transaction at the tables.

Notify the Credit Card BANK before you travel and ask them to note the dates and location of your travel, especially when traveling out of the country. They will know to expect charges from that location and during the dates you give them.

I, personally travel with old fashion Travelers Checks which are great for small purchases and cash. Others have to scramble around for a ATM Machine. Just not my style.

I would hate to be traveling and the bank close off my Credit Card, wouldn't you?
ALSO, call your Credit Card Bank to check the phone numbers they would call should you have a charge made that would cause them to close your account.

Amazing that when I called, there were old Cell Phone numbers that had not be updated.
Look after yourself and



Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this....it happened to me in January.
Things worked out with out a lot to trouble. I was so lucky.

Anonymous said...

My daughter had something
similar happen to her.
Trust no one, that is what my son always said.
He also did not believe in buying all those
insurances or assurance that help would
be easy. when parting with money it is
never easy the red tape involved is endless.

Anonymous said...

It is a similar thing that just happened to him about four weeks ago. There are some other steps that you need to take!
Don in Houston

Anonymous said...

I booked a hotel room in NYC last Fall for a conference. Next thing you know a charge for about
$600 shows up on my card. Someone had used my # at a hotel in the Carribean. We got his name and everything. The credit card company was prosecuting him for fraud, etc.
It is scary. Have them trace the phone numbers and they will catch the thieves!

Anonymous said...

We use the debit card but I'm sure the same thing can happen. You always think it can't happen to you.
Montgomery, Al

WV Janis said...

June: I liked the format of your blog when you had your profile readily visible on the first screen. People surfing blogs like a margin full of information. I think you should join the fishing guy's group of people who take pictures of the sky every Friday morning.

West Virginia Janis

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