This idea was born out of total necessity.
One day while shopping with my grandchildren, naturally, my purse was sitting where the little ones used to sit...right in the shopping cart child seat.
A man came down the aisle where we were making a critical decision about which toy to buy.
The toy store was too large for him to maneuver so close to us I thought.
First I thought of the children and gathered them between me and the shopping cart when THEN it occurred to me, he could be after my purse, which was sitting available to be snatched.
That was when my idea was born.
Works GREAT.
Just put the child safety belt through the handles of your purse or bag and snapped them close.
Now...should anyone try to grab my or your purse, they would have to take the entire cart.
Safety rules tell us to always be aware of our surroundings...and I do believe this saved my purse that day.
The man looked at me and immediately left. Since then, this is an action
I do everywhere I use a store might be the most vulnerable for women but other stores, WalMart, Target, Toys R Us, etc are also places where thieves could have us in their scope.
One day while shopping with my grandchildren, naturally, my purse was sitting where the little ones used to sit...right in the shopping cart child seat.
A man came down the aisle where we were making a critical decision about which toy to buy.
The toy store was too large for him to maneuver so close to us I thought.
First I thought of the children and gathered them between me and the shopping cart when THEN it occurred to me, he could be after my purse, which was sitting available to be snatched.
That was when my idea was born.
Works GREAT.
Just put the child safety belt through the handles of your purse or bag and snapped them close.
Now...should anyone try to grab my or your purse, they would have to take the entire cart.
Safety rules tell us to always be aware of our surroundings...and I do believe this saved my purse that day.
The man looked at me and immediately left. Since then, this is an action
I do everywhere I use a store might be the most vulnerable for women but other stores, WalMart, Target, Toys R Us, etc are also places where thieves could have us in their scope.
June, I am ahead of you on that one. I have been doing that for several years.
Oh June I love the Idea of
saving your purse. It would
take such little time to do
this. This is great. Thanks!
Cullman, Al
I have known you since we were pups and you have yet to shoot straight... Anyway,according to you, your memory is so short you would have forgotten about it the second time you went shopping. Right Peggy? June
Living in Germany,parking limited. I fine it easy to just carry a small 4" X 3" wallet holds my military I.D.,credit card, dollars and coins in my inside pocket of my jacket on base only $ used. In another pocket my car keys. In the trunk is my purse if I need euros another small wallet keeps them, so I change wallets to go to German stores. An older women walking alone it easy target to get a purse taken away from. Connie
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