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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday Nite in Lagging Economy

Entering the beautiful Brazilian Restaurant, more than ready for the "rodeiza" of Brazilian foods, we were surprised that at 6 PM on a Tuesday evening, the restaurant already had an hour and half wait list.
We were actually stunned ~ no room in the sprawling place on a Tuesday night, early hour, in an expensive per person minimum here in the middle of the well advertised lagging economy~ ??? Where is this lagging economy? Do you think we are all out spending what we have before it is taxed away and redistributed?

The Chesapeake Cheese Cake Factory had a long wait list as well. The Sports Bar Restaurant offered seats only at the bar~ like we wanted to be within full view of the blaring TV's~ we returned to wait for a seafood dinner at the Cheese Cake Factory. There were entire families out waiting for tables. Could they be expecting redistribution soon?

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