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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cinnamon ~ Put a Little Spice in Your Life

Are you watching The Doctors Show on TV?

I TIVO their show as don't want to miss an episode. They talk about new technology and learning about things that go on with our bodies before we are aware.

I find most episodes to be totally fascinating.

They had an entire show on "Reversing The Aging Process."
That was for me~

One of the bits of an overwhelming information was the benefits of spices.
They talked about the multi benefit's of cinnamon, rosemary and all spices. What great information~
Reversing damage already done, yes, they say it is possible.
They recommend lots of stuff ~
plain yogurt with up to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon each day. 2 teaspoons seems a lot to me, doesn't it to you? One of the doctors went on and on about cinnamon. "Throw the mayo away...use cinnamon."

Exercise until you sweat at least ONCE A MONTH. OK...that's my style..once a month.

They informed us that a gathering of weight around the waist could be a fatty liver...
UGH. I must have one. My good times are definitely saved around my waist.
Time to try to reverse all of that I thought.

Yesterday I decided to make my favorite sandwich for lunch...I LOVE banana sandwiches...made with peanut butter OR mayo. Now, you KNOW that can't be good for someone with high cholesterol and B/P, right?

With the show information fresh in my mind, I substituted a generous sprinkling of cinnamon for mayo.
WOW..it was totally delicious. Wonder what else would explode with unexpected flavor if we left out the no-no mayo and put in cinnamon.
Potato Salad? hummmm...I don't think so..
Carrot and Raisin Salad? hummmm that might work.
What else?
Fried egg sandwich?
In the South Beach Diet book, they do substitute cinnamon for salt on tomatoes and that is a WOW taste, I know.
Why do we fall back on our old reliable stuff, like mayo and salt?

I'm going to try to take better care of myself.
Think it is too late?
Probably not.

1 comment:

WV Janis said...


More pictures, PLEASE. I'll even take a picture of your banana and cinnamon sandwich!!! Make this blog visual. You have such a bright and sunny outlook. Bring on your pictures.

Happy New Year.

WV Janis

Memories ~ Life is a great trip!

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