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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dancing Buffalo of South Dakota

The bison is a member of the bovine family. Commonly called “buffalo” it is the largest land mammal in North America.

The bison has a large head with relatively small, curving horns.

Its dark brown coat is long and shaggy on the forequarters, including the front legs, neck, and shoulders, while the rest of the body has shorter, finer hair.
Go Wild!

Bison are considered a keystone species – they once roamed the continent in great herds, and their grazing pressure helped shape the ecology of the Great Plains.

Height 6-6.5 feet at the shoulderLength 10-12.5 feetWeight 900-2,000 lbs; males are larger than females.

Lifespan 18-22 years in the wild; over 30 years in captivity

Among the many books sold in Gift Shops was one titled "Why Buffalo Dance." I decided not to get it, however....

When we later enjoyed the company of this wonderful wild

animal, he danced for us..
HE DANCED FOR US. He danced for the entire time we stayed and was still dancing as we drove away. I can say for sure, THEY DANCE....and dance and dance. Think he was dancing just for us?

Of course, I then went on a quest to find the book "Why Buffalo Dance" as we continued our drive through the plains, but didn't find it. This is a good reason to go back, right?

1 comment:

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

Love the pictures; love the video; especially love the tender sound of the voices of the people in the video. Love the addition of all of this to your already-fabulous blog.

Memories ~ Life is a great trip!

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