About Me

We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Monday, January 21, 2008

Let Not Our Travels Be in Vain

What is the best part of travel? It is preparing and looking forward to the trip? Could it be the actual trip itself? Or could it simply be returning home with our cameras and heads full of new visions.

We always hope our family and friends will want see our photos and hear narrations. Why? This gives opportunities to relive the trips over and over. Bless them ~ if not for them our travels would seem in vain.

Was last year's Super Bowl Party when I see a group surrounding an older gentleman who is telling of his recent trip to China. Someone whispers he and his wife have just returned.

We, at the time, were just back from a most impresive 3 weeks in Africa and China is next on our travel agenda. I want to hear what he is saying about the trip.

He is articulate in relating interesting stories and experiences throughout the country. They apparently had learned so much and had a wonderful time. Now, to nail down the important part ~ What month is the best time to travel China?
When did they go?

When I ask him, he looks puzzled. Thinking about it, he scratchs his chin...looks around as he works on remembering. At this point, I consider his age... probably about 70, I decide. Finally he comes up with an answer of sorts.....wasn't summer, he says, as it gets very hot there in summertime...he gives it more thought and finally said he thinks it was this past fall. I am happy with that, however, he goes on explaining he is still unsure, he recommends asking his wife Linda, she would know...she is the lady across the room, behind Ben wearing the green sweater, he tells me.

I wade through the group and find Linda standing watching, of all things, the Super Bowl game.

Introducing myself...and briefly tell her that her husband had given us such wonderful information about their trip, etc......ending with..."Was wondering what month you went to China?"

As she is trying to remember, I assess her to be in her 60's...I wait as she thinks and thinks and thinks ...finally, "maybe in the Spring...no...could have been August....no, that would have been hot there......hummmmmmmmm....maybe in August and Sept...no...maybe later in the fall....hummmm ...she finally tells me "I really just can't remember."
I thank her, adding "nice talking with you..."

I walk away wondering about travel. Is travel something we always dreamed of doing but now that we are doing it, we can't remember even when we go? Is it only a way to get out of babysitting? Or a way to spend our time and resourses? Is it all in vain? I walked away saying to myself..."We went to Africa in January, we went to Africa in January, we went to Africa in January 07."

Let not your travels be in vain. Blog 'em.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that conversation from party last year.

You can forget which day you dropped off your dry cleaning... or last went to the grocery store... but seriously... forget, even which season, you took a trip to China? They need a blog more than you...to remind themselves of their adventures.

Memories ~ Life is a great trip!

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