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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Trends in Life

Do you remember the TV game show which has a game where a contestant has the opportunity to get into a money cage? A blower is turned on, spewing hundreds and hundreds of dollar bills all around the contestant in the cage. Each and every bill the contestant catches and crams into a pouch tied around them, is theirs to keep. Of course, the person scrambles to catch bills and get them into his pouch before the timer sounds. Only bills that get into the pouch are his to keep. BUZZZZ. Any bills in air or hands drop to the floor.
Cage opens and Game Host counts the money to let us all know how well the contestant did in his mad scramble. Do you remember? I always thought people fumbled around too much. I always imagined that I could do real well. Didn't you?
Years later, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a real money cage in action at a shopping center. A bank was celebrating their Grand Opening by having a money cage on the sidewalk. What a great idea!
A line had formed and guess who hopped right on with them?
This cage had blank paper, $1, $5, $10 and $20, but mostly blank paper. I watched knowing this my chance to get into a money cage. My husband pointed out that I was a good bit older than most of them in line...but I really wanted to do it...just once in my life. In line, my turn soon came up.
Strapping the pouch around me, I stepped into the cage... "Ready."
The papers and money came flying passed me at a hundred miles an hour it seemed...I could hear the timer ticking. I grabbed and grabbed gathering a huge amount of paper. Instinct told me it was time to pouch my wins... To my dismay, the opening of the pouch was small. My wad of money was large. I pushed and pushed...then...BUZZZZZZZ.
I couldn't push even one piece of paper into that pouch. All the kids around me said...
Walking away, I realized that this is me, I "bite off more than I can chew" at times. Could this be a trend? A pattern?
I recalled the Christmas when I was a child. Santa brought a Cowgirl outfit complete with boots, hat and cap pistols. I woke at 2 AM Christmas morning...got dressed as a Cowgirl, went outside and preceded to shoot my cap pistols. All my friends got the same theme as gifts, but by the time they came out to play, I had no caps. I had shot up all my caps before the sun came up.
Seemed to be a pattern here. A distinct trend.
Grabbing more than I can get into the pouch equates to shooting up my caps before the sun came up.
Seems there are trends in my life.
Can you define yours?


WV Janis said...


From your counter, I see I'm "customer" Number 4!

Pattern in my life...... Well, I buy everything you need to make a craft, start it, get half way through, move on to new craft. Start a new book, get half way through, move on to next book. Good thing I didn't do that with spouse!


June said...

Dear iWV-JA

Yes, I was happy to take the time to learn how to add the counter. I made it public as other options. It down't say who visited ~ which doesn't matter. What does matter is that I actually did it~

Now to learn how add photos will be next~

About your moving from project to project, I am told that highly intelligent people have shorter attention spans~ that is why they make good leaders, CEO's, etc.. They can visualize a project and organize a plan but have others who are detail orientated to carry out the vision. Therefore, each time I take a break from a project, I forgive myself. (smile) iJ

WV Janis said...
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WV Janis said...

(deleted above because I couldn't tolerate a grammar error). What a nice way to look at my having the big ideas, getting things started, and desire to move on to other projects. I'm CEO material!!!!!!!

The picture on your blog is just as I remember you. My suggestion is to add tags so when people do searches, your blog will appear.

Can't wait to see photos of some of your recipes!


Memories ~ Life is a great trip!

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