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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus Escape into Egypt

"Would you like to see a water well where your Holy Family stopped to rest when they were escaping into Egypt?" the Egyptian General asked me at dinner one evening. He knew the story quite well.
Naturally and enthusiastically I answered, "I really would."
How nice of him and he himself arranged for the day off to take me.

He knew in the area but not exactaly where this well is located, so we were off to explore the northern area of Cairo looking for this ancient well. I had NO IDEA what to expect. The traffic and roadways are amazing as there are no rules about the lanes. If there are no cars coming in the left lane, the right lane cars drove over there as well...they moved over only as needed. A neat system. ANYWAY...back to my story....

The history of the Holy Family's flight from Bethlehem and Jerusalem is well known. To murder all boys age two and under back in those times was done for any reason the ruling King might have. In the days of Moses, that order was given to control the population of the Hebrew men.
Now, when Jesus was born, word spread that a new King had been born, which was a threat to King Herod who ordered to destroy the infant in a mass murder. He sent his soldiers out to slay all boys under the age of two.

The Holy Family were warned to flee and left Bethlehem. Their arrived in Jerusalem when Jesus was only eight days old. Here, they had the him circumcised before traveling on. They escaped into Egypt and had the large barren desert to cross. This is when they found a well in the desert. The well we were to see.

I have no expectations as we stopped to ask help from several people along the way. For sure, I had been will off the tourist path thus far. Arabic language was becoming familiar, but naturally, it was Greek to me. (smile)

Finally, In a housing project of four story apartments building on windblown sand roads and no trees was found what we were looking for.

We found the Garden of the Holy Family's Well.
The area was enclosed by a whitewashed concrete wall ~ and of all things... right in the middle of these lower income apartment builds. Basically the city had extended into the desert here.

We unlatched the gate to see a Garden ~ a Garden that someone has kept the Garden green and well preserved. I couldn't believe what I saw.

The area was about 50' x 50 feet and walled in with a whitewashed concrete wall.
In the center was a small round well. Surrounding were many very old trees, all green and some had been supported by beams to hold them up.

Someone had brought ferns and made a square brick planter.

The small well is in front of the large tree in the photo. Next to it was the trunk of a dead fig tree with a new tree branching out from the bottom.

On the wall were three stories for visitors to read. They were in three different languages as well.

First Written Story.... "As the Holy Family crossed the desert, they found this well under a fig tree. They stopped to rest and eat figs. Far out on the desert, they saw soldiers on horses. A magic spider quickly spun a web around the Holy Family to make them invisible. The Soldiers didn't see them and passed on by.

" Second Story..."As the Holy Family crossed the desert, they found this well under a fig tree. They stopped to rest and eat figs. Far out on the desert, they saw soldiers on horses. The branches of the fig tree bent down to hide the Holy Family. The Soldiers didn't see them and passed on by.

" Third Story......"As the Holy Family crossed the desert, they found this well under a fig tree. They stopped to rest and eat figs. Far out on the desert, they saw soldiers on horses. The Holy Family climbed up and hid above the tree. The Soldiers didn't see them and passed on by. "

There was a small wooden box for donations. I opened my purse and emptied what Egyptian pounds I had into the box. I was very moved.


Anonymous said...

From Travis

Fascinating story.

Anonymous said...

From Jane M.
North Caroline

With all of your wonderful travels you could have made a
travelog/blog. Have you kept notes from all your trips or how do you
remember all your impressions and the stories? As you can tell from the
comments you receive from me, the travel stories are my favorites.

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your blog and seeing your photos. You were so pretty when you were young, as well as now.
I think we saw that well in Cairo last May. Your photos brought back memories.
I am so sorry about the loss of your friend.

Keep on writing.
McLean, Va

Memories ~ Life is a great trip!

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