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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Poem Place


In response to the follow request~
Please make a separate entry for Poetry and have your friends contribute poems that they have written or ones that they love!

Shall I start?
For Woody
by June Daab
Retired and living his dreams,
He bought a plane for play
The sun was out, the day was warm,
He took to the sky on this his last day.
Up, up and away,
His spirits did soar in freedom of flight,
This was the life of his dreams,
All other things now seemed trite.
The engine suddenly failed in flight,
Quickly, the landscape he panned,
Woody had but a second to decide,
To find where he could land.
The plane lost lift,
Down, down in trees,
Which to planes
Are enemies.
We mourn Woody
However, we are comforted,
He was living life to the fullest
and enjoying something he loved,
April 17, 2008


WV Janis said...

Great poem, June-- even the shape is poetic. Let's see if we can get some contributors.

West Virginia Janis

Anonymous said...

From Jane M.
North Carolina

It never occurred to me before that "Caesarian" section came from
Cleopatra's birthing of Caesar's son. I think my favorite parts of
June's blog are the travel ones. Jane

Memories ~ Life is a great trip!

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