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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Day for the Birds

About a month ago, a couple of black birds made their home nearby and have raised a few babies. These black birds turned out to be good old-fashion, corn eating crows.

These crows have become urbanized and are feeding at my birdfeeders.
Actually, they are eating me out of bird seed. My last resort was to find and borrow a BB gun.
"I have one, come and get it," my son-in-law said.

When I picked it up last night, I told him I knew how to pump and shoot it. He supplied a box of BB's as well. This morning, bright and early, I went outside in my PJ's to start the day...I loaded and pumped the gun.... finally found the safety ....and after some time, realized I still had to cock it...
Well, when I cocked it. the sound was LOUD and the crows flew but interestingly enough, the other birds hung around.

Well...the crows came back before I could turn around...so now to test the BB gun. I didn't know if it would actually shoot. Carefully pulled the trigger without really aiming ...just sort of away from the house kind of shot...it fired.

Well, unfortunately that first shot, went into the fish pond. IF I HAVE put a hole in that brand new pond liner, I am a dead duck.
WORSE would be if I shot one of the fish. If one becomes a floater with a little hole the size of a BB...I am a dead duck as well.

Spent the day learning I can't aim a BB gun.


Anonymous said...

such great stories.......i wish i could do that...................you made me laugh with one story and feel sentimental and glad to be alive for the next one............


Anonymous said...

A couple of years ago we were going to release a baby squirrel into the wild here at my house that my daughter had raised. We were going to do it from our house because she had a cat. Well I got all ready with a new bird feeder attached to the deck railing and the squirrel's cage hung from the tree nearby. At night and sometimes even in daylight a rat started enjoying the bird feeder. Well one night I had a couple of drinks and here came that rat. I got the BB gun out, cracked the door just enough to put the barrell through and got off a good shot. I never knew if I hit the rat because he jumped so high but the new bird feeder was torn to pieces and went in the garbage. This is why I don't feed birds.

Memories ~ Life is a great trip!

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