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We only go around once, but if we do it right, once is enough~

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another Type of Scam

A friend responded to my scam blog ~

Not long ago I bought some Lancome products online from a website in N.Y. saving a good bit of money. All of a sudden a charge appears on my Am. Express for $12.00 from someone calling themselves Shopper Discounts. Well I go to that website to see who they are and they are claiming that for 12.00/month you can receive all kinds of special discounts for various shopping. This had nothing to do with my purchase and I believe it was a pop-up ad that appeared in my transaction. If I had not caught this charge and questioned it they would have continued to charge that 12.00 every month for a year. Am. Express is good about helping in these situations and removed the charge but I'm still waiting to hear if I am truly cleared on this. There was something the other AM on TV about this sort of thing and how these companies are billing monthly because you CLICKED the wrong box. So be careful.

Yes, it doesn't take long to get into trouble here.
Credit Card Insurance is good but then comes the other type of billing.
Automatic billing is so convenient as we move into a non-paper world. The above example of automatic billing can slip by unless you are checking in detail statements each months.

Several email buddies have asked why I responded to such an add.
My defense ~
It was because of the timing.
I had
just enjoyed a long telephone visit with cousin who lives in Phoenix, Az. In the conversation, she detailed her job which is similar to the one advertised online. She is my age and really enjoys having a "project" to work for the past 11 years. That conversation was still in my head when I saw the ad. I was more curious than anything.
Yes, I know...."Curiosity killed the cat."

1 comment:

Maryo said...

Hi June:

I just read your post and want to give you an official response on behalf of our company. It’s important to me that your concerns are addressed and that your issue is resolved. If you have questions or feedback, please contact our customer service team at 1-800-889-8776. Alternatively, you can contact me directly at mary@shopperdiscountsandrewards.com. If you contact me directly, please reference this post.


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