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Friday, January 30, 2009

Family History Facts ~ Indisputable

Pursuing family history uncovers facts which are interesting and indisputable. Facts as well as legends are both heart warming and heart breaking.

One of our great, great grandmothers' stories is written of how she came to Alabama and met our great, great grandfather.
Amanda was from Virginia~ a young girl from a family who educated her beyond that of most young girls. It is safe to say she was from a distinguished family of considerable means and influence. We descendants were left with the question of just how she was connected, or if she was connected to General Robert E. Lee.

Her husband, George Washington Richards served under the General during the Civil War and was at Appomattox when General Lee surrendered to General Grant. The date was April 9, 1865. That is fact....indisputable fact.

Knowing legends it is easy to believe could be of the same blood line as the Lee Family of Virginia. We don't know that Amanda discussed her family line, however, many years later, we descendants came to wonder about this. Why? It was her demeanor~ the way she lived her life. She ruled the family as when grandpa came home from Appomattox, he was had suffered a sever head injury and it apparently was easy to allow her to continue as she had in his absence.

No doubt Amanda had a brilliant mind. She was courageous in all senses~ adventuresome, brave, bold, fearless and was filled with unparalleled pride and those are other indisputable facts.

I investigated though facts and family lines available. The bottom line is she was from the Lee Family of Virginia, however, NOT a descendant of Robert E. Lee. He was a cousin of her father. Our family line is available back to the eleventh century.

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